2024_035 This male gerbil is well-formed, muscular and bully, with nice, bright almond shaped ruby eyes and full whiskers. Ears are nice: he appears inquisitive and pleasant natured in front of the camera. The color is a vibrant uniform orange-red. Feet are whitish and toenails appear clear. The coat has clear line of demarcation between top coat color and white belly; does not appear to be any intermingling or fading (highly desirable), Coat is shiny, not greasy or oily. Tail is orange throughout and matches upper body, appears lush and with a nice tuft. Tail is not being held straight in either photo. This is a big male hitting his ideal upper weight limit, but he does not have a shoulder hump or sagging belly which indicates being overweight. Very handsome and flashy gerbil.
2024_044 Nice example of a gray agouti. Coat has deep gray agouti color and strong dark ticking. The white encircling the eyes are there, as well as the clear line of demarcation between the top coat and belly. Ears are set back a little so hard to tell ear shape; hairs look to be appropriate color. Eyes are a beautiful almond shape and not bulgy or beady. Tail looks to be strong and straight with good coloring and the desired darker bristles moving to the tail tip. Would like to see more tuft. Feet and toenails appear to be standard and gerbil looks to be in good health, no rumpled or sickly appearance. Ideally the feet would be pure white like the belly without an tan color.
2024_073 Good, even build: love the straight, strong topline on this female. color is a little faded but this could also be the lighting and not the gerbil. Eyes are a good shape in side photo and color. Line of demarcation between top coat and belly is noticeable and looks good & clean, can easily tell this is an agouti gerbil with a white belly. Feet are whitish (slightly tan) with black nails, ears are set back a little bit but lare well shaped (not too long) and have appropriate gold color. Whiskers are nice and bushy with the black and gold color. Good, solid thick tail with all the right colors thickly furred thought the length and a tiny tuft. Looks soft and clean. Well prepared and photographed for the show. Note the side view where gerbil is stretched out fully to show her shape, smooth topline, and strong feminine build. Nice example of an agouti gerbil.
2024_074 Nice rich coloring and strong ticking on this gerbil, body conforms to color standards. Tail is thin with a little tuft, nice. Coat is not appear or oily, Gerbil looks to be a bit thin which shows as a slight shoulder dip, indented side and rounded somewhat protruding eyes.. Good potential feed plenty of protein rich food in her diet. Especially love the ticking and hairs on this gerbil.